Monday, July 15, 2013

ISLAMIC ISSUES 13-187:The difference between zakat-ul-fitr and zakat.

Analysts may want to take note of the differences described here.

Zakat Ul Fitr

People often confuse zakat-ul-fitr with zakat. Some even mistake them as the same thing. It is important for Muslims to understand the difference between the two and what significance each carries in Islam. Below we talk more about what zakat-ul-fitr is, and how it works.

Difference between Zakat-ul-Fitr and Zakat

First and foremost, zakat-ul-fitr and zakat are two completely different things. While the idea behind them is the same - to help the poor and unfortunate, there are some noteworthy differences between them. The biggest difference lies in eligibility. zakat-ul-fitr is compulsory on ALL Muslims regardless of personal wealth. Whereas, zakat is due on only Muslims whose net yearly savings exceed nisaab values. As a result, zakat amounts are generally larger than zakat-ul-fitr.

While zakat can be paid at any time, zakat-ul-fitr can only be paid during the month of Ramadan before the Eid prayers. This is an imperative condition that must be met in order for Muslims to perform this important fariza (task) correctly. This is precisely why we see charity and trust organisation stalls outside the local mosques on the day of Eid. This is so Muslims can pay zakat-ul-fitr before entering.

How is it Calculated

Calculating zakat-ul-fitr is very simple. Essentially it is the amount of one Sa' of food. One Sa' provides food for one family for the entire day. Nowadays, this amount is pre-calculated by religious ministries or institutions around the world every year. This is the amount that every Muslim is obliged to pay, however for those who are financially stable, should pay more and Allah (S.W.T) will reward them for this kind act.

People living in western parts of the world should check with their local/national Islamic centres for more information on the exact zakat-ul-fitr amount for this year. Ramadan is a month of blessings.

"Tell the truth; use their words."
General George Marshall to Frank Capra
in commissioning the "Why We Fight" series.

ZAKAT: A Warfare Funding Mechanism
The Influence of Islamic Law on Intelligence and Law Enforcement
Dogmatic Basis of Jihad and Martyrdom
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