Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Antidote to Republican Establishmentism

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If the Republican Establishment had followed our instructions, we would have won the White House -- and the Senate!




This letter identifies some of the mistakes made by the Establishment that led to our current situation, and the actions that we need to take to correct them.  We have much to overcome; of course, one of the biggest obstacles to truth is the so-called "mainstream media." I have never seen anything like this. As you may know I have an extensive background as an investigative journalist having worked in national television, print, and radio.  What I saw as an investigative journalist for fifteen years was bad, but what we are witnessing now goes well beyond liberal bias --  the media are promoting a narrative almost precisely the way the White House frames it and abandoning nearly all critical coverage of the Obama administration.  


The dominant media culture has become virtual apparatchiks of the Democrat Party.  That is why our message to low-information voters is so important -- including how we say it, what we say, and frequency of exposure.


We seem to be the only Republican/Conservative organization that understand the problems clearly and know how to fight back.  That is why we started the National Republican Trust PAC (GOP Trust) five years ago - we knew the Establishment was becoming more and more political, less principled, and we knew it was essential that we stand up for Republicans we can trust -- 

conservatives who understand we have to fight for liberty and undermine those who over-regulate the free market.   


Go Here and Stand with Us


Reaching the Low-Information Voter


Right now America is in decline, but it does not have to end this way.  Our recent election losses are not because voters have rejected freedom, these were tactical losses.  That means if we change tactics, with liberty as our message, we can break up the Democrats' monopoly of the low-information voter.  We have thoroughly assessed the Democrat tactics.  They define Republicans as undesirables.  They portray themselves as the "cool" people everyone likes to hang around.  They use "bandwagon" marketing - vote for Democrats so you will be "like everyone else that's cool," while defining us as undesirable, racist, misogynist, jingoistic (name your pejorative, we've heard them all.)   As simplistic as this seems to us, it is in fact what the Democrats have done, and it has worked well for them.  But it has only worked because there has not been an effective counter-offensive.   Consider this:  Poll after poll has shown that 40% of the country self-identifies as conservative and only 20% as liberal, yet Democrats dominate the political structure with their unpopular ideology. 


While the Republican Establishment is adopting Democrat policies in an attempt to appeal to voters, we know that we must adopt Democrat Party TACTICS instead.  We must launch a counter-offensive that exposes the corruption of the Democrat Party and the damage their corrosive philosophy has done to the country.  Poll after poll shows that government corruption is high on the list of concerns of most voters, yet the Republican Establishment refuses to expose the corrupt Democrats even though we have shown them how to do it. 


We have been highly effective in launching campaigns in Democrat districts, nationalizing elections, and using Democrats, such as Nancy Pelosi who are unpopular nationally, against vulnerable Democrats.  In 2010 I created the "Pelosi Index" which brought national attention to House Democrats who tried to run as moderates but whose voting record showed they voted the with Pelosi and her extremist agenda.  Along with our ads, this contributed heavily to Republicans taking back the House in the 2010 Midterm elections.




Obama Using FDR's Strategy


Another mistake that the Republican Establishment makes is their failure to hold Barack Obama accountable for his Left-wing extremist policies and the illegitimate methods he uses to achieve his ends. In my book, Promoting Decline: Obama vs. America, I have a chapter on what I call Obama's "economic deviancy" that demonstrates his Socialist tendencies and the way he twists our beliefs in liberty and economic freedom until it is unrecognizable, thus creating a "straw man" for him to attack. It's an old strategy that FDR used eighty years ago - the effects of which we still pay for today.


Right now Obama is raising hundreds of millions of dollars to fund a propaganda army that will attack Conservatives and Republicans so that Democrats can take over the House and win a 60-seat majority in the Senate in 2014 and have entire control over our government.  Obama is selling access to the donors of this propaganda army, Organizing for Action, an offshoot of Organizing for America and Obama for America, and they plan to raise $500 million to attack Conservatives and Republicans.  We are the antidote.  


If you are not familiar with our award-winning ads you can view them at our website,  Over the past 5 years, we have changed public opinion on many issues. Now we need your help to change the direction the country is heading.


We need to expose Obama and key Democrat leaders as corrupt and politically extreme -- that isn't hard to do because they are. What is difficult, though, is getting that message to the "low-information voters" who put them into power.  One of the ways the Obama campaign reached these voters was a clever strategy using the internet and attaching his deceptive message to information algorithms.  We plan to use those techniques to undo their messaging and present our better alternative in a way that will inform and persuade those voters who have not seen their political options presented in an honest way.




More Government Power - Less Freedom for Americans


One of the most important themes that need to be explained is the fact that the more power the political establishment gets, the less freedom Americans have.  To us this is obvious, but the results of the 2012 election prove that 51% of the voters do not get it. We have been making this argument for years, but unfortunately we have been drowned out by the political class that benefits when government gets bigger.  Many other Conservative groups have a very good message; the problem is, and has been for a long time, that we have only been speaking to one another.  Conservatives have poured lots of money into "getting the message out", but unfortunately it only reaches like-minded thinkers.  Our team understands how to reach outside Conservative boundaries and talk directly to those who have been misinformed.  Liberty is the best message.  But again, the Republican Establishment has proved that it is unable to explain the virtues and benefits of freedom in a way that attracts low-information voters.  IT IS UP TO US TO ASSUME THIS ROLE!


If we fail to have this conversation with the American voters now, then we will surely lose the Republic and with it our freedom.  The Conservative groups talking only to our side have increased the reservoir of misunderstanding about what we stand for, and that has redounded to the benefit of the corrupt Democrats.


Obama Uses Words like "Fairness" as a Weapon


Every day Obama is reaching for more power and is aggregating more control over the economy.  What we must do for the next 18 months is mitigate that power by exposing him while educating the low-information voters so that we may avoid another President like Obama and another Speaker of the House like Pelosi.


You and I understand the dangers of big government.  We also know what the Political Class will do to hold onto their power.  It was in abundant display recently when a tiny cut in the growth of government spending caused the politicians to manufacture a crisis with the Sequestration.  An informed electorate cuts into the power of the Political Class, and if we can get the low-information voters to see that more government means less power for them, we will have a nation of conservatives.


During the past five years we have played a critical role in shaping the message that government has grown large enough to strangle off the freedom that produced the wealth which it now consumes.  As I have pointed out in my newspaper columns and stated many times on national news programs, the Democrats want those who take from the system to decide how to spend the money of those of us who pay for the system, and they do this under the guise of "fairness".  We have a lot of work to do in terms of educating our fellow countrymen.  Our plan will do that -- and slow Obama's agenda while putting Democrats on defense, setting them up for defeat in the 2014 election. 


We Will Use Their Tactics to Undo Their Damage


One of the ways we will reach the low-information voters is through powerful and compelling ads aimed at audiences on television and through the internet.  The reason we are effective is because in addition to my experience as a journalist, I also have a background in Fourth Generation Warfare and counterinsurgency tactics (for example, using oratorical weapons such as ridicule.)  In short, it's similar but more effective than the Alinsky tactics that Democrats have used against us.  While they have been using this strategy to gain political power, and in the process destroy the country, we will use them to undo the damage they have done.  Desperate times demand powerful measures - and believe me, we don't like having to abandon our logical and reasoned rhetorical arguments for a street fight with the Democrats, but unfortunately, we have no other alternatives to save the nation.  Despite our preference for intellectual debate, the team I've assembled knows how to win a fight.  


Because we are experts on Fourth Generation Warfare and counterinsurgency, we know what the Democrats are doing to us, and we can use their manipulative tactics against them.  They have been using ridicule against us for years, freezing and attacking conservatives, galvanizing low-information voters against us.


Together We CAN Undo Their Damage! Go Here to Help!


We Will Inform and Entertain


We will apply our award-winning advertising skills to produce entertaining ads that will present a message, some subtle and others not so subtle, that explain how politicians who promise more government programs seek to usurp their freedoms. We will entertain as well as inform. We know that low-information voters seek out ads to amuse them, they tune into television events such as the Super Bowl to watch the ads that provide them entertainment. These entertainment consumers actually seek out these clever ads on the internet. Imagine that, in an era in which we buy equipment to record shows so as to avoid commercial interruptions, there are some ads so compelling that people seek them out to be entertained by them. We can do that too. Imagine a clever, well-acted entertaining commercial that informs the viewers that the government is stealing their freedom and taxing their bosses company out of business? All while making them laugh at liberals; they will no longer prefer Democrats after we rub the "cool" off of them and make the word "Progressive" once again a pejorative. This is what I call "prepping the battlefield" for the next two elections.


For years now the low-information voter has been casting his ballot after hearing only one side of the story.  We have to proliferate the right message to those voters, and stop just talking among ourselves.  Think about how much easier it will be to defeat liberal Democrats after we have galvanized the low-information voters that Democrats have taken for granted over the years--it will actually change the country for the better! Ridicule has been the Left's best weapon against us, we now intend to take that weapon away and use it against them--we must use their tactics for the good of the country. Our primary objective will be to reach the low-information voters and make them understand that it is a mistake to give up their rights in exchange for the false-promise of government security, and that government power cannot make them wealthier, it can only make them subordinate. 


Liberty is a Powerful Message


It is bizarre that freedom must be sold through an advertising campaign to so many people, but the Democrats have been highly effective in selling their message of big government and class warfare that way.  We must use those methods to undo the damage caused by the disinformation of the Democrats and their allies in the media.  It is time for us to stand up to them and say "we will be bullied no more". 

We are also raising money to start an aggressive opposition research operation that will provide the public - and all conservative and Republican candidates running for office - the kind of sensitive and politically embarrassing information the Democrats have been able to suppress with the help of their friends in the media.  By doing this we expand the political battlefield to our advantage. The more Democrats have to defend the less they are able to attack, and the weaker they will be.


We are currently expanding our team of the best technical development people to steer our message into the places we can't reach now.  Obama was successful because he had the best technical advisers running his campaign.  We must do the same. 


You have already done a lot for your country and you certainly don't owe anything else, but I hope you will consider sending a donation to help us target our message of liberty, individual rights and free enterprise to those who have not yet gotten the information.


We are now able to have an even greater impact due to the recent changes in the law allowing unlimited individual and corporate donations to Super PACs.  While this ruling will greatly help our fundraising efforts, it too will help Democrat groups funded by the likes of George Soros.  As I write this, there are dozens of liberal PACs raising hundreds of millions of dollars to win the House and control all of government. I fear this will be the death knell for our country.  We are the only organization with a clearly defined multi-pronged strategy to fight back against Obama's surrogates in the media, Big Labor and Hollywood. 


Starting the Super PAC has allowed me to commit more of my personal resources to our cause, and I hope you will join me in this worthy endeavor so we may one day look back on this era as a "bump in the road" rather than the point of which America's decline was accelerated. 


To contribute to the GOP Trust Super PAC click here. 


You can mail us a check to GOP Trust 2100 M Street NW, Suite 170-370, Washington, DC 20037 or go to our Super PAC donation page and make a contribution online.  


Political operatives, many of whom fear us, have called us brilliant, geniuses, and the smartest guys in the room, but having a brilliant strategy is useless if we don't have the financial resources to execute it.   


We are not quitting.  We hope you won't either.  Please GO HERE to stand strong with us!


Yours in Liberty,

Scott Wheeler

Executive Director










Promoting Decline: Obama vs. America is the Rosetta Stone of modern political corruption.  You will learn why Republicans struggle against the corrupt Democrat Party, and you will see how the mainstream media has ignored serious evidence of corruption in the Obama administration.  Scott Wheeler exposes how thoroughly corrupt politicians like Clinton and Obama were able to get elected in America. 


Promoting Decline is not the typical political book.  It is an informative, investigative compilation that provides FACTS and not just opinion.  It provides details the mainstream media has ignored, such as Obama's fundraising scandal from the 2008 election, in great detail.


Investigative Reporter Scott Wheeler has uncovered some of the biggest stories of the past 20 years:

  • During the Clinton administration Wheeler broke the story of Clinton's selling national security secrets to Communist China
  • Wheeler worked deep cover inside a Middle East weapons of mass destruction ring and exposed terrorists attempting to obtain U. S. weapons
  • Wheeler worked undercover inside Hamas during an investigation that led to Hamas' operatives in the US to be arrested and caused others to go into hiding.

When Wheeler turned his investigative prowess onto the Washington political establishment, the results are staggering...READ ABOUT IT IN









Paid for by The National Republican Trust PAC.  Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.  2100 M St., N.W., Suite 170-340, Washington, DC  20037-1233.

Contributions to The National Republican Trust PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

The National Republican Trust PAC is not an official RNC committee.  We are conservative Republicans dedicated to helping restore the GOP to its historic conservative roots by mobilizing like-minded Republicans nationwide.  




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